Zoom Teeth Whitening

Dallas, Texas

Are you hiding your smile due to stained or discolored teeth? If so, you may want to consider Zoom teeth whitening, proudly offered by Greenville Ave. Dental. Trusted by dentists and patients alike, the revolutionary teeth whitening procedure unlocks a smile up to eight shades whiter in just 45 minutes. Enjoy stunning results with little to no sensitivity or side effects!

How Do Teeth Become Stained and Discolored?

Your teeth may become dull and discolored for a number of reasons, including consuming dark foods and beverages like ripe berries, pasta sauce, coffee, tea, red wine, and dark sodas. Other factors affecting the shade of your smile may include tobacco use, poor dental hygiene, and certain medications.

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening?

There are numerous teeth whitening treatments available over the counter. However, your smile is unique, and it's always a good idea to trust the professionals who provide personalized smile solutions.

Most over-the-counter whitening gels, strips, trays, or do-it-yourself kits, promise Hollywood-worthy smiles. However, many tooth-whitening products are sure to disappoint. Moreover, some cause burns on the gums and other soft tissues and may cause significant damage to your tooth enamel. Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, is highly effective and is tailored to your specific needs. It is considered one of the safest and easiest ways to transform your smile. 

How Does Zoom Teeth Whitening Treatment Work?

Zoom Whitening involves using a special bleaching gel with the innovative Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp's low-heat UV light to brighten your tooth enamel. The results are dazzling, leaving you with the smile you've always wanted in under an hour!

We'll start your smile transformation by placing a protective shield over your gums, lips, tongue, and cheeks. Next, we will apply the bleaching solution to each of your teeth and use the Zoom light to activate the 25 percent hydrogen peroxide gel, accelerating and enhancing the bleaching process.

As the peroxide breaks down, oxygen enters the tooth enamel and dentin, breaking up unsightly tooth stains without affecting the tooth structure. Treatment times may vary depending on your unique needs. However, most individuals require three gel applications with 15-minute light activation for the best results.

After the procedure, we'll apply an enamel-strengthening fluoride treatment to reduce sensitivity. Zoom whitening reveals a smile several shades whiter and brighter, with results lasting 3-5 years.

Keeping Your Smile White and Bright

After achieving your whiter, brighter smile with Zoom whitening, we know you'll want to ensure the results last as long as possible. You'll need to continue brushing, flossing, and visiting Greenville Ave. Dental regularly to keep your smile clean and bright. If you notice any new staining or discoloration, simply use the convenient touch-up kit that comes with every Zoom whitening treatment.

Zoom Teeth Whitening Near Me in Dallas, TX

For more on erasing teeth stains and discoloration with Zoom teeth whitening, visit Greenville Ave. Dental at our state-of-the-art practice in Dallas, TX. The safe and highly effective cosmetic dentistry solution will restore the sparkle to your smile.

We invite you to contact 972-483-9783 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment today!

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