Dental Emergency Care

Dallas, Texas

Dental emergencies can happen to the best of us. An excruciating toothache may develop overnight, or a stray ball may knock out one of your teeth during a baseball game. Greenville Ave. Dental offers same-day emergency appointments, and if you experience an emergency outside our office hours, we will do everything we can to get you taken care of as soon as possible.

What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency?

It’s not always easy to determine whether a situation is a dental emergency. In general, a dental emergency is a condition requiring urgent care to control severe tooth pain, treat an infection, save a damaged tooth, or stop bleeding. Some situations can wait until the next day, including a lost filling or a mild toothache.

If you experience a dental emergency, contact our office right away. We will evaluate your situation and have you come in to see us right away if needed. We will also provide you with care tips before your appointment. If you experience a dental emergency outside our office hours, call us. One of our caring staff will offer you guidance. Depending on the urgency of the situation, we will do everything we can to see you right away and take care of you.

If you have an accident or have heavy bleeding from the mouth that you cannot stop, please head to your nearest hospital emergency room immediately. Moreover, if you or a loved one experience a life-threatening emergency, call 911 for assistance.

What Are Common Dental Emergencies?

A severe toothache is the most common emergency we see at Greenville Ave. Dental. Tooth pain is usually the result of a deep infection in the affected tooth’s root. If that’s the case, Dr. Cha may recommend a root canal treatment to alleviate your pain and save the damaged tooth

Another common dental emergency is a knocked-out tooth. Time is of the essence. The sooner you are seen, the better your chances of saving the tooth. Meanwhile, rinse the tooth gently to remove any dirt without touching its root and gently return it to its socket. If that’s not possible, keep the tooth moist in a container filled with milk or saliva.

Other common dental emergencies include a broken, loose, or cracked tooth, an abscess, or facial swelling. Make sure to call us immediately for guidance. Situations not considered urgent dental emergencies include a lost crown or filling, food stuck between teeth, a mild toothache, or a broken retainer or night guard. If you have a non-emergency situation, you should still call our office and make an appointment to see us as soon as possible. But if it is on the weekend or after office hours, you should be fine waiting until the next available appointment.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

Make sure you maintain excellent oral hygiene, keep up with your routine dental exams and cleanings, and wear a custom sports mouthguard or night guard if you play contact sports or grind your teeth in your sleep. Prevention is the key to lowering the likelihood of developing an unexpected dental emergency.

Emergency Dental Care Near Me in Dallas, TX

If you need emergency dental care, contact Greenville Ave. Dental at 972-483-9783. We will get you in for an appointment as soon as possible. We also invite you to schedule a dental exam and cleaning if you are overdue, and we may help you avoid a future dental emergency altogether!

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Follow the link to conveniently request an appointment that fits your busy schedule. One of our team members will reach out to you to confirm your selection. We can’t wait to see you!