Cosmetic Dentistry

Dallas, Texas

If tooth flaws or imperfections have you hiding your smile, Greenville Ave. Dental is here to help. We offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions to transform your smile from dull to dazzling with dramatic, long-lasting results. A visit to our Dallas office will have you on track to the smile of your dreams.

Cosmetic Dentistry - An Overview

Cosmetic dentistry is a field dedicated to creating healthy, stunning smiles using cutting-edge technology, materials, and techniques. It is more affordable and available than ever before, and not only to stars and celebrities. Dr. Cha and her team at Greenville Ave. Dental will recommend the most conservative treatment options to deliver the smile you desire.

What Are Common Cosmetic Dentistry Services?

The following is a look at some of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures we offer:

Porcelain Veneers:

Dental veneers are thin, translucent porcelain shells that we place right over the front of your teeth. They can address numerous cosmetic problems, including severely stained, crooked, gapped, worn, misshapen, chipped, or cracked teeth, delivering a uniform, symmetrical, and stunning-looking smile!

Dental Bonding:

Dental bonding is a quick, easy, conservative, and affordable cosmetic dentistry procedure. It involves applying small amounts of a composite resin material to your tooth surfaces to address flaws and imperfections, instantly perfecting your smile. Cosmetic bonding can improve the appearance of stained, cracked, chipped, decayed, uneven, misshapen, gapped, or worn teeth, enhancing your smile's health and appearance.

Teeth Whitening:

Professional teeth whitening is the most sought-after cosmetic dental treatment, and it is easy to see why. The quick and easy procedure instantly brightens your teeth several shades in just one office visit! At Greenville Ave. Dental, we offer Zoom Whitening for dramatic results lasting 3-4 years or even longer!

Tooth-Colored Fillings:

Composite resin or white fillings are high-quality restorations made to closely match the color of your natural tooth enamel, delivering seamless results. In the past, composites were only used to fill cavities in front teeth for aesthetic purposes. Today's tooth-colored fillings continue to be improved upon and reinvented, providing incredibly strong and durable restorations ideal for restoring cavities in back or front teeth.

Dental Crowns:

Dental crowns are versatile restorations used for numerous cosmetic and restorative purposes. They protect and strengthen severely damaged or cracked teeth and teeth that have undergone root canal therapy. Dental crowns can also change the color, shape, and size of not-so-perfect teeth, delivering your perfect smile.

Full Mouth Reconstruction:

Dr. Cha may recommend a full mouth reconstruction if you have many missing, damaged, or severely flawed teeth. It involves a series of cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures to enhance your oral health, the appearance of your smile, and your quality of life!

Which Cosmetic Dentistry Solution Is Right for You?

Dr. Cha will evaluate your smile's unique needs and discuss your desired goals. She will work with you to create a custom treatment plan with one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures. Whether you require a minor cosmetic correction or a full smile makeover, Dr. Cha has the perfect solution for you!

Cosmetic Dentistry Services Near Me in Dallas, TX

For more on transforming your smile, visit Greenville Ave. Dental at our state-of-the-art practice in Dallas, TX. We are committed to providing cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry services to deliver healthy, beautiful smiles.

We invite you to contact 972-483-9783 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment today!

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