Dental Extractions

Dallas, Texas

Saving a damaged or painful tooth is always our top priority at Greenville Ave. Dental. However, there are times when extracting a tooth is our only viable option to relieve you of discomfort and restore your healthy smile. If you need to have a tooth extracted, you can count on Dr. Cha and her team for state-of-the-art, gentle care!

Why Would a Tooth Need to Be Extracted?

We may recommend having a tooth extracted for the following reasons:

  • Extensive Tooth Decay: If not treated promptly, tooth decay can progress, eventually reaching the nerves. If treatment continues to be neglected, the condition can advance to the point where saving the tooth is no longer an option.
  • A Broken or Fractured Tooth: Injury, trauma, or biting down on hard foods can lead to a broken or fractured tooth. Certain fractures cannot be repaired, especially those that extend below the gum line.
  • Periodontal (Gum) Disease: Without treatment, periodontal disease can destroy the bone and tissue supporting the teeth. If a tooth has lost its support, it may need to be extracted.
  • Overcrowded Teeth: Overcrowding can occur if the jaw has no space to accommodate the incoming teeth. Selective extractions of one or more teeth may be needed to make the room necessary for the remaining teeth to move into alignment with the help of braces or other orthodontic treatments.
  • Placing Complete Dentures: At times, we must remove any remaining damaged teeth before placing dentures. Your new restorations will get you back in a pain-free, confident smile.
  • Impacted Teeth: Tooth impaction, which occurs mainly in wisdom teeth, can cause severe discomfort. It can also cause damage, overcrowding, or infection to the neighboring teeth.

What Can You Expect?

There are two types of extractions: simple and surgical. Simple dental extractions involve the removal of teeth that are visible in the mouth. Surgical extractions, on the other hand, involve the removal of teeth that are not easily accessible because they have not fully erupted or are fractured under the gum line. After extraction we usually place a bone graft in the socket to preserve the bone level. In some rare cases, Dr. Cha may refer you to an oral surgeon to extract impacted teeth.

Dr. Cha will numb the area with a local anesthetic, so you never feel pain, only some pressure. If you are anxious about an upcoming tooth extraction, let us know. Dr. Cha is happy to talk to you about our nitrous oxide sedation option to help you relax in the dentist’s chair.

Most patients report minimal to no discomfort during or after the extraction procedure. You can count on Dr. Cha and her team for care and service that exceed your expectations!

Post-Extraction Care

We will provide post-extraction instructions and pain medication for use as needed. To encourage healing, avoid smoking, drinking from a straw, or spitting for at least 24 hours after your extraction. Otherwise, the blood clot forming in the tooth’s socket may be dislodged, potentially resulting in a painful condition known as dry socket. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office for guidance.

Dental Extractions Near Me in Dallas, TX

If you have a damaged or painful tooth, visit Greenville Ave. Dental at our state-of-the-art practice in Dallas, TX. Dr. Cha will do everything possible to save your tooth, restoring its form and function. If, however, tooth extraction is your only viable option, Dr. Cha will ensure you are comfortable while receiving exceptional care. 

We invite you to contact 972-483-9783 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment today!

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